What’s your rebellious business idea? How do you dream of sharing your experience and gifts with the world?

When you look in the mirror at your beautiful self in a wrinkled shirt, do you also see a person with a burgeoning creative or culture-shifting potential?

Does living within your values mean you want to buy from organic farmers, you want to take your family on adventures, you want enough financial security so that you don’t panic about unexpected dental bills?

But also, the thought of joining the current elitist money making system makes you squeamish?


The Honey Bee Business Rebellion shows us that the codes for abundance, enough, equality, rebellion and adventure are written into nature! We can bring our untamed and creative selves into our business and money-generation. I like to think of this course as the start of a rebellion –  let’s call it our Honey Bee Business Rebellion.

Why Honey Bees?

Do you know there’s a particular dance honey bees do when they’ve found a source of nectar so plentiful that it’s too much even for the hive? And have you heard of rebel honey bees who refuse to comply with the One Queen rule? These babes emerge when a colony’s Queen dies and there’s two striking things about them
1) they start acting like royals, laying eggs willy nilly and
2) they are extremely adventurous flying up to five times further than the other bees.

Let’s fly five times higher together

Whatever your business, we can give it the Honey Bee Treatment. If you facilitate craft workshops, if you are a finance whizz, if you have a healing practice, run a Forest School, have a gift for graphic design, any seed that you’ve been germinating – it’s time to give it some sunshine.

Learn the rules of money making (and how to break them)

This 3 month course is a space for you to:

This is for you if:

You have a business idea but all the stuff you need to do to get it viable feels overwhelming


You have a business you’ve been keeping afloat but you can’t seem to take it from striving to thriving.

Meet your facilitator

I’m Lucy and I’ve spent the last decade unschooling my children, creating an alternative, off grid life and, until  3 years ago, trying to make a living as a writer, digital creator and respectful parenting advocate.

These last three years have been different though. They’ve been life altering. I’ve been learning some lessons about business that I feel I should have been taught 30 years ago. I now understand that there’s a pretty solid system at play keeping good folk like us locked out of the typical money-generating game.

This course is a Honey Bee Business Rebellion container for you to pick up and run with. It brings together the lessons I’ve learnt through building a thriving business and the energetic practices that stopped me repelling money and the rituals that help me see my business as a sacred entity.

More importantly than that it is a way for me to share my superskills of vision and activation: I can see the future of regenerative money-generation laid out before me and I want to guide you to your place within it.

8 modules to guide you from striving to thriving
– including video modules and live coaching calls (all calls recorded for you to watch at your convenience)

ONE  Gathering Together
The rules of the old game
Lies about business, capitalism and moneymaking
What your business is, isn’t, could be and ought not to be.

TWO The Rhythm Method TM for business
Introducing a regenerative model of business – and the abundant maxims of the new era of
Business without burn out
Showing up online without ending up jaded

THREE Practical Pathways
The practical pathway to selling online without losing your dignity
Creating your individual practical pathway for the next month of showing up for your
idea or business

FOUR – Nov School Wounds Clinic TM
How school has shaped us away from our superskills
How we developed habits that thwart our moneymaking
How we can ease back into our Honey Bee state, healing these School Wounds
from within our business

FIVE – How Our Brain Does Business
The neuroscience of earning
The somatics of success – preparing your body for abundance

SIX- Dec How Our Energy Does Business
Energetic tools to build a ease and vision into your business
Rituals that weave your values throughout your business

We take a break for a month over Christmas and New Year.

SEVEN- Forward Thinking
Creating space for growth
Planning the systems for the next phase of your business

EIGHT- Honey Bee Business Rebellion Activation
Making sure it all comes together, and then witnessing you fly five miles higher.

Times shown in UK time, check World Time Buddy for your timezone.

Get It Done
Coworking sessions where we gather online to tackle one of the jobs you’ve been putting off/ float  sales copy/ ideas/ names/ problems.

Honey Bee Business Rebellion Community
A (non-facebook) community hub where we will be discussing the workshops, sharing our insights, goals and celebrations, and giving each other encouragement when we are about to do something brave.

Life time access to all modules, three month access to the facilitated community hub.

This is a payment plan – exactly the same price ($750USD) but spread over 8 monthly installments.

Are you ready to grow something beautiful and be part of a business rebellion?

Let’s make honey.