When you have a dream or desire deep within you

but know there are knots to untangle before you can activate it.

As Whitney Houston used to say “Where we’re going, this can’t come!”

How it works:

This is a package –  six calls over 3 months

Our sessions are a hybrid: part coaching, part healing, part full blown collaborative action.

We begin our journey together by deeply hearing the stirrings of your heart.  I’ll help you sift through and unknot the tangles stopping you from activation. I’ll provide you with both a supportive framework and intuitive insights so that you can get really clear and build momentum towards the vision you hold within you.

Whether that’s more peace in your home, more trust in yourself, more visibility for your passions, more inspiration for your work, more advocacy for the world you are building – we will centre love and co-create magic.

Six calls.

$160 USD each.

(This payment plan is weekly payments of $80 USD every fortnight for 3 months.)

Email me if a different payment plan would suit you. Lifewithoutschoolvlog@gmail.com

Tools available to support you with:

If you’re ready to navigate cloudy skies until you can fly confidently above or amongst the turbulence or land in abundant pastures, let me be your wingwoman.